Her attention was taken away from the group when Troy glances down and slaps Quinn's upper arm. "And how was your holiday, Evans? All fancy schmancy and just joyful, I'm sure." He adds sarcastically with a sweet smile, resting his hand on the back of her chair.
"Well, I didn't have to see you, so it was a joy." Quinn returns the smile just as sweetly, leaning her head against his arm.
"You know you missed me." Troy teases, ignoring the laughs her response elicited from his friends.
"In your dreams, Bolton." Quinn rolls her eyes with a smirk, "I know you adore me, but no need to go daydreaming about me all the time."
"More like a daymare." He scowls, nudging her head away and jumping down from the desk.
Quinn pouts at him and turns in her seat, "Awe, don't be sour now."
"Shut up." The boy grumbles and plops down on his seat.