Yo!  My name as you can see is Kaylyn Orecker, lil sis to Ellen Orecker.  I HIGHLY recommend you check out her page @WriteTheNightAway81

Don't be afraid to click on the little orange button of destiny above. If you follow me, I will follow you back :D

What I am doing on WP:

- Read for Follows
- Lots and lots of reading..... I HATE writing! ( but I do it anyway hehehehe!)
~ What I read: Horror, Romance, Werewolf, Vampire, Fan Fiction, paranormal, Historical Fiction (Nothing dry, barf) And I do NOT read extremely juicy books though I am not adverse to rated R books.( but that is only if it is for violence, I LOVE violence) LOL

I am a very blunt, sarcastic, and border line psychotic person so ummm..... don't feel bad if my comments seem rude. It's just cuz I'm me, and NOT my sister.

I allow colorful language on me page so express thyself!!!!

Yes I am an Avengers fan, yes I love Marvel, and Jeremy Renner is my slightly older dream man!!!!

Feel free to ask me questions!!!! :)
I am in love with all J.R.R Tolkien books and movies, I adore weeping willows ( random, I know) and I L-O-V-E fantasy art:D
( wonderful fact about my profile pic, I kinda look like her:D!) Just kidding! We look nothing alike

Bye bye now. Stalk me!
  • No Touchy!!!!!!!
  • Đã tham giaAugust 12, 2014

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