
Oh my goodness you guys, I just updated "Did I Mention I Love You?" for the first time in three years! I am so sorry Chapter Thirty took three years but it did and I'm sorry but it's up now. You can go and read it and stuff...
          	I'm thinking that I'll try and maybe update again within the month of February because I'm reading werewolf stories again and that makes me want to write werewolf stories again and I'm staring a few new ones in my journals but then I feel bad because DIMILY is just here dying and I'm such a horrible person.
          	BUT! Last night that I would try and update today sometime and I did because it's only 11:59 so I did it! I kept a promise you guys!
          	My New Year's Resolution was to write more so this is me trying to keep that commitment. Thanks for all of your continued support and I love each and every one of you! I'll hopefully talk to you all again soon!


Oh my goodness you guys, I just updated "Did I Mention I Love You?" for the first time in three years! I am so sorry Chapter Thirty took three years but it did and I'm sorry but it's up now. You can go and read it and stuff...
          I'm thinking that I'll try and maybe update again within the month of February because I'm reading werewolf stories again and that makes me want to write werewolf stories again and I'm staring a few new ones in my journals but then I feel bad because DIMILY is just here dying and I'm such a horrible person.
          BUT! Last night that I would try and update today sometime and I did because it's only 11:59 so I did it! I kept a promise you guys!
          My New Year's Resolution was to write more so this is me trying to keep that commitment. Thanks for all of your continued support and I love each and every one of you! I'll hopefully talk to you all again soon!


ce message peut être offensant
So... I just finished a Chinese test for my Chinese 101 class and now I'm pumping out a chapter for you all. Maybe it'll be out tomorrow because I just wrote nearly 2,000 words in under two hours that I kind of like. I have school tomorrow so I'm going to sleep and then, tomorrow, I will continue writing for you all because I am a horrible person and I haven't uploaded a new chapter in three years.
          Like seriously...
          Why do you all still stick with me?
          I'm a shit writer and I never update....
          I am so sorry, loves.


This is the first time I've been on Wattpad in ages and I've just scrolled through all of my notifications and as I did, I kept saying:
          "I'm so sorry."
          "No, don't add it to your reading list!"
          "Why're you re-reading this? I haven't written in ages!"
          "Oh Lord!"
          "I don't even remember that chapter."
          "Why do you all still like me?"
          Seriously though, the last question. Do you all still like me? I know, I should write more. Maybe tomorrow. Or maybe I'll take my laptop upstairs and work at it a bit tonight. 
          Gah! I feel so horrible! I abandoned all of you while I grew up and moved on. I am so so sorry. My heart is breaking for you, loves.


Dear everyone...,
                 So... I'm not really sure how to say this. I hate the foundation upon which I built my entire story. I keep trying so hard to write more but I get out a few lines before I just save the meager progress and move on to something completely different.
                 My laptop is still broken so most of my writing has to be done on my phone or on the family desktop so it's not like I even have much time at it but believe me I am trying.
                 My cousin has tried to tell me just to quit but how could I do such a thing when I am so in love with my characters? No instead I think the only logical solution is that I must go back and edit the shit out of my first chapters.
                 I can't have been the only one who has noticed the short, choppy chapters that all together could possibly make one absolutely awful chapter. So I think I'm going to start my editing process and hopefully when that is underway inspiration will strike and I'll be able to get back into my groove.
                 If it is of any consolation school is almost out and I won a debate about Batman today... He IS a superhero. Take that Malachi!
                 I'll begin the editing straight away and I hope you all can understand me. If not please just send me a PM instead of posting it on my story itself. If you PM me (Positively or negatively) I will respond as soon as I can and you will get answers to your questions.
                 Thank you all.


Hello kiddies! I am back! I am so sorry that I've been gone but my laptop has been acting up and refuses to connect me to the internet. But yesterday was my seventeenth birthday so my mom got me a nook and now I can get back to Wattpad when I have wifi. I'll try to get back into a updating schedule but you have to give me time to get caught up. This is my senior year and I will not sacrifice my grades or FFA events for you. Sorry! Also musical season is right around the cornerbut I'll work with you as much as I can! Ilove you forever!


@PoisonKisses Hullo! I miss you too! I haven't seen you since Brynne's party! I've been in Wisconsin and house sitting for some people at my church! They brought me back a bird house and a finger puppet... I'll see if I can check out that story, I really want to get some writing done before I read too much because I get sidetracked easily... Love you!!! <3