this message may be offensive
[forwarded message] [02 june 2020] i don't have a big following but,,, to whoever it may concern [which i hope is most of you] : if you haven't heard what's been going on, then i assume you've been living under a very huge rock. the state of the world right now is an absolute shitshow but there are ways that we can make it bigger. there are still racists in the world, sadly and white privilege is sadly still how most of our world works but with even the tiniest of help, we can overcome this problem. as a person of colour, i ask you to stand up for all of our rights. if you live in the area of the current protests and you are in the position to, please protest and stand up to the racists. please give a fat middle finger to the system and say "fuck you, we don't wanna live in your disgusting, close-minded society". there are many ways you can help and two of those ways are by signing petitions to bring justice and donating to charities. my next announcement [s] will be including links to some charities to donate to and petitions to sign because we need to be equal and justice needs to be served. stay safe and stand up to the big ones !
he's on death row for a crime he did not commit, please sign this petition to help save him http://chng.it/mBWZng84bY
this man is the purest mf i've ever read about,, please consider donating to him in the link below and sharing his story to savs him from being wrongfully executed !! https://innocenceproject.org/pervis-payne-wrongful-conviction-what-to-know-innocent-tennessee/
context : https://www.instagram.com/p/BtYSVDfBN5c/?igshid=1x6qrpo0xvxok these men are absolutely disgusting and i can't believe they're not getting any repercussions despite being exposed ,, sign this petition to take action please http://chng.it/ZP7GHkDvT4