One down, who knows how many more to go. My memories of you are bittersweet, which speaks volumes of our friendship. I don't mean it negatively, so please refrain from flaming me. I suppose this could be brought on by the thoughts I've had bouncing in my empty head. I fear that I am losing contact with my friends, which, as I look at empirically, returns true. I'll give you the same advice I gave out before, be the one who decides your life, and never let anyone else define you, not even I. Be free from these flimsy words and take flight in the possibilities. you can be whomever you want to be if you want to be. I met a Kim once. She was absolutely her own person. Independent, opinionated, strong and powerful. I found myself attracted to her, to this girl who told the world to shove it and be herself. I can't tell you if she still is the person I'm leaving a note for or not. Only you can answer that question. I think I'm leaving now, departing for a different place. You need not worry about me, my change is purely psychological. Still, I don't know if I'll be back. At least, not to this avatar of my personality. I'm different, I've always known that. Hell, I kissed a computer. But now, now I feel that difference. I feel it in my bones, in my soul. Separate from this world, these realities. I'm not quite who I think I am, but nor am I completely different. I'm not certain who I am. I'm not certain I will ever know who I am. But I am someone. Someone who made terrible choices for beautiful reasons. Someone who lived, and will die. Someone who had an effect on the world he occupied and the people he met. That is who I am. Me. Myself. I. Eternal and instantaneous.