After some thought, I have decided I am going to remove my OC's book. It is a pretty pointless book I made to track my characters but, I'll be honest, I haven't used a lot of them.
• I haven't made a Creepypasta story in some time and just haven't been fully involved with the fandom. So, Kitten, Steven and Reaper have become shelved characters.
• Originally Steven was going to have a short story dedicated to him but, I lost interest because I had other projects I wanted to work on and I knew I wasn't ready to write a full story as I didn't even have most of the characters ready.
• My Homestuck Characters Hirkah and Neamra caused some problems behind the scenes as in 2 cases someone tried to sell them as their characters, I don't know why they aren't that great. As for Shania, she is literally an idealised version of me.
• Then there is the rest which is 1 off characters because I either liked the game/story/show. They were pretty much never used.
• As for my fantasy characters Athena, Emlyn, Maria and Hewai I do have plans for them but, I still need to sort that out.
• I do plan to make an SCP story so Alethea will be used in the future.
I'm going to cap it here, maybe in the future, some old characters will return but as of now I need to organise them and start working on my new stories. Bye and thank you for dealing with my rambling! :)