Hello everyone of you lovely wattpadders, I must apologise for my regretfully long absence from this account and my neglect of the story which has recieved a lot more comments and followers than I expected. Thanks for showing your support for such a small piece and urging me to update. I've been busy starting Uni, been without a proper internet supply for over 5 months now - relying on data (which is very expensive).
I have written a good amount of chapter two ages ago now, it's already three times the length of chapter one so I'll get it finished and ready to go as soon as I can!
Furthermore, I've mostly been working on a period piece as a gift for one of my dearest wattpad friends, it's succeeded 12,000 words and I'm writing it gradually and will probably share it with you periodically when it nears its completion.
Thank you so much for following, commenting and voting - I honestly really appreciate it - feel free to PM me I'll try and reply when I can!
Hope you're all splendid and hopefully you'll see more of me soon! : )