
Sometimes I wish I could disable the comments on my stories because the following reasons 
          	• Hate comments
          	•People arguing over the stupidest reasons 
          	•People correcting me when I use the real names of products or services in fanfics instead of the parodies made up by whatever anime or game I’m writing about 
          	•Complaints about sexual content or graphic content. I put warnings up for a reason 
          	I thought I would put this out there. I love all my followers and those who enjoy my stories but sometimes the comments get to be too much. There are some pretty funny comments people write on my stories and I’m always happy to answer any questions that you guys ask me about anything but sometimes certain comments get to be too much and end with disaster whether they annoy me or other people 


          	  I really don't understand why people feel the need to do stuff like that. If you don't like a story then try to give helpful criticism. I wish people would say stuff like, "I think that the story is moving to fast." Instead of, "This is the worst story ever! I hate it!!" And if they just don't enjoy the plot then that sucks and they should just move on.  As for the people who complain about sexual or graphic content, they just don't read the bio.
          	  Anyway, I just hope you know that you have many fans who support/love you and your content~!


@Honda-senpai  i don't understand why they read your books if there just going to complain  they took the time out of there day to do something stupid on an amazing author's work 


Sometimes I wish I could disable the comments on my stories because the following reasons 
          • Hate comments
          •People arguing over the stupidest reasons 
          •People correcting me when I use the real names of products or services in fanfics instead of the parodies made up by whatever anime or game I’m writing about 
          •Complaints about sexual content or graphic content. I put warnings up for a reason 
          I thought I would put this out there. I love all my followers and those who enjoy my stories but sometimes the comments get to be too much. There are some pretty funny comments people write on my stories and I’m always happy to answer any questions that you guys ask me about anything but sometimes certain comments get to be too much and end with disaster whether they annoy me or other people 


            I really don't understand why people feel the need to do stuff like that. If you don't like a story then try to give helpful criticism. I wish people would say stuff like, "I think that the story is moving to fast." Instead of, "This is the worst story ever! I hate it!!" And if they just don't enjoy the plot then that sucks and they should just move on.  As for the people who complain about sexual or graphic content, they just don't read the bio.
            Anyway, I just hope you know that you have many fans who support/love you and your content~!


@Honda-senpai  i don't understand why they read your books if there just going to complain  they took the time out of there day to do something stupid on an amazing author's work 


this message may be offensive
If I can be brutally honest (and I never thought I’d have to say this) I actually hate the fourth season of Tokyo Ghoul. The third season was great and all (with the exception of the fact that Studio Pierrot ruined Touka’s hair and the fact that the animation for :RE isn’t as good as the original series) but they’ve skipped so much content that the plot makes no sense. Plus I hate the fact that they had no problem showing Kaneki and Touka’s sex scene (which pissed me off. I honestly hate those two together. Touka treated Kaneki like shit in the beginning and I hate her for that reason. Please don’t hate me) but they didn’t show ANYTHING regarding Mutsuki’s backstory, not even the fact that he’s transgender. Not to mention they cut down the fights so much they might as just not include them. I’m thinking about not watching the anime any further and reading more of the manga because Pierrot screwed up big time! I actually love Tokyo Ghoul but the anime has been turned into trash with this season and many other fans I’ve come across feel the same way 


They really flopped. I love Mutsuki and they literally included nothing about him or his past. They skipped him being tortured by Torso, never mentioned or shown the fact that he’s trans, and skipped like 80% of the fights so they’re just little senseless tidbits of fight. Yet they show Kaneki and Touka having sex when we could do without that. If I wanna watch two anime characters have sex, I’ll google hentai 


Ok so I was wondering since you have writers block do you need ideas


Yes. Lately I’ve been updating my Kaneki oneshot series frequently, but I’ve already written everyone’s requests and I’m burned out 


That’s okay 