hey everyone! long time no see. I'm getting back from the most insane few months full of tests and revising. i was wondering if anyone knew any good tv shows or movies that are enemies to lovers style or just good in general. i feel like ive watched everything LOL. Just watched Daisy Jones and the Six and i'm loving it so would really love if anyone knew that type of tv show. Oh, and a few seasons would be good. Thank you....


hey everyone! long time no see. I'm getting back from the most insane few months full of tests and revising. i was wondering if anyone knew any good tv shows or movies that are enemies to lovers style or just good in general. i feel like ive watched everything LOL. Just watched Daisy Jones and the Six and i'm loving it so would really love if anyone knew that type of tv show. Oh, and a few seasons would be good. Thank you....


Are you going to finish unique times three , I have loved the book so far just wondering if there is going to be more…. Thank you for such a good book.


@ttbear02 I've just released a new book if you want to check it out! ❤️


Okay I will just have to write my own ending(In my head) … welcome 


I’m not too sure, it doesn’t really fit with my writing style anymore but I always love to look back on it. I think I may in the future but I am focusing on other projects at the moment. Thanks for the love! 


Hey! I have looked for a book but I can’t recall the title. It is about a writer in college who wrote something about the coach being a bad person. On the team is a guy who hates her for the article. In the end he stands up for and helps against the coach and they fall in love. He also gets diagnosed with ADHD. Hope you can help!


Just noticed you've given my story a chance. So I'm dropping by to let you know that I truly appreciate it and hope you'll find my work worth-it. Feedback and comments are more than welcome. Once again, thank you so much for making my day better ❤️


 Hi! Your story is amazing and I’m really enjoying it so far! Can’t wait to have time to read more! 


Hi! It would mean the absolute world to me if you could please check out my book, Our Struggle. It’s a sweet romance with an unexpected twist! Have a lovely day/evening! I’d really appreciate your feedback! 


@HoneyBee_XXVIII Np! My pleasure! Would you mind maybe checking out my book? If not, no worries!


@HoneyBee_XXVIII Hi! I’ve started checking out your book and I’m really enjoying it!


Shout out to @starzzz2! It's an amazing community and just so fun to be involved in!  


@HoneyBee_XXVIII Honeybee is the best! just so everyone knows :P