@HoneyLade oh just keep updating as u can as you are a new writer it will take some time for other to know about your book but one day u will have a lot of readers
@HoneyLade And if u want to complete all the chapters you have to complete 4 chapters per day which is difficult but not impossible but instead of completion do some most important chapter nicely as you will be able to get more knowledge if u will rush things it will get complicated
@HoneyLade 16 days and 73 chapters it's huge but I would suggest that revise the chapters u find interesting and easy if u have completed any of the chapters among them it would be easier don't go for completing all the chapters instead focus on the topics u like from each subject and if cover important topics too
Hello Dear
Hope so you are doing well
Dear first of all sorry for bothering you but please can you check my story on my account "Our Hyungie [BTS]". It's a bts brotherhood story I hope you will like it please dear I shall be very thankful to you ❤️