Violet/Vi/Cyan/Fire is my name 
Happily taken <3
Extreme OCD about her characters
Nothing much I can say anymore hope you like my stuff
  • Дата регистрацииFebruary 27, 2016

Последнее сообщение
Honeybee_Sickness Honeybee_Sickness Sep 10, 2016 12:50AM
Watching Tokyo Ghoul and AOT so don't bother me plz it's annoying and you'll have to wait till 7am for me to answer you or what evs
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Истории от Set me free Honeybee
Art! от Honeybee_Sickness
My art(Not many fandoms)
Q&A book! от Honeybee_Sickness
Q&A book!
So I've changed a lot since I was last online. So yeaaaa ask me anything ya like!
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