@hoodedmermaid I sincerely apologize if I came across as rude. I believe I lost my temper. I would also greatly appreciate it if you would stop turning my words against me. The situation seemed like bullying and I was trying to stand up for the people mentioned in your reviews and do what's right. I apologize if I mistook the situation. I would like to propose that we forget the situation; it happened long ago and there is no reason to keep it going. Just a tip (and I am sincerely trying to be polite): in your reviews, so a situation like this doesn't happen again, perhaps you could keep personal opinion out of the reviews and keep it purely professional, although that is merely a suggestion you don't have to listen to. Again, I apologize if I offended you. -love2write_

I'm not trying to bully you. I'm trying to apologize. But if you wish to leave me alone, I will.