I don't know why I can't stop thinking about this, but...Here we go. This is an encounter I had with my Biology teacher. (summarized)
Bio: Ok, so we're going to quickly review for the quiz.
Class: Yes Ma'am
Bio: Firstly, who can tell me what the fruit of a plant is? What does it do?
Dude #1: *raises hand*
Bio: Yes Dude #1?
Dude #1: Isn't like..the eggs?
Bio: ...
Dude #1: ...
Bio: ...
Dude #1: ...
Bio: Not exactly.
Dude #2: Is it like the sperm??
Bio: No.
Dude #3: Is it the penis?
Bio: No.
Dude #4: Is it the v-
Bio: It'S tHe OvArIeS!!!