this message may be offensive
Hey guys, this is probably really random.
Me and my friend Hailstorm were playing on my Minecraft server on Education edition. We play on that sometimes because it has some cool features.
Anyway, we were playing and I had to go afk for a while. When I came back I checked the chat for anything Hailstorm has said and she had been yelling 'Hookflame why aren't you back yet?' or 'what is that?'
but most disturbingly, she was yelling 'HAZEL WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!'
I checked with her, and she confirmed what it was. Entity Zero, otherwise known as Annihilation, a scrapped mob from Mojang.
Later on, I saw something white flash and teleport away. Then I was followed by rabbits- rather, KILLER rabbits. It followed me, and I messaged Hailstorm, and when I looked back at the screen, the rabbit was gone. I logged off.
The next time I went back on was when me and Hailstorm went to kill Annihilation. We were geared up- but when we got there, there was nothing. Nearly nothing.
We found two blocks of bedrock on the surface. We were both in creative, but neither of us had placed them. We looked around. The side of the mountain we were standing on looked like a screaming face.
Only a few moments later (when me and Hailstorm were having a panic attack) I heard Warden heartbeats. Hailstorm saw something white flash across her screen. I freaked out and logged off. And being on Education Edition and me as the admin, this made us both log off.
We discussed the issue for a while before we came to a solution. We could either send help to a youtuber- one single person to help- but then I thought of another way.
We were hoping some of you guys could help. What's going in is unnatural. It doesn't even SEEM like the proper Annihilation. We need to kill him. But we don't know how.
Please try help us!