Hey guys, HoopFireX07 here. So, I've been going through my story [Bathound - Paws Of Justice, and I've come to the realization that I'm not prepared to continue from where it is right now. There are a lot of parts to this story that I have ideas on what is going to happen, but the process of how we get to that point is where I'm stuck.
This is my first ever story, and the truth is I've been winging it the whole time, and just coming up with ideas along the way. But this process has given me a MAJOR case of Writer's Block. Not only that, but I also have a lot of stuff going on in my life, what with me being an uprising senior in high school, and in the process of trying to find a school to go to.
I need time, A LOT of time, to regather and organize my ideas and thoughts so that I can continue the story smoothly. So, unfortunately, for these two reasons, I've had to unpublish my whole story back into a draft. I'm not sure for how long. To the readers who have voted and bared with me throughout the story, I ask you all to continue to bear with me as I'm going through this. I promise you all, this is not the end. I will be back, stronger than ever. I'll let you all know when I return beforehand, but until then, All I ask is that you guys just stay with me.
I will not disappoint you guys, You have my word.