
HEY, Have you heard the news?! the revamped version of Chapter 5 is finally ready! Publishing will be at 10:30 AM on 1/11/2025, so DON'T MISS IT!


Merry Christmas to all who see this. I've got a present for you all. The revamped version of Chapter 4 of my story is ready to go. This may sound like a lame Christmas gift, but I actually finished revamping this chapter days ago. I just wanted to wait until until today to republish it as a present. I just wanted you to know that I cared. The story will be published around 2:45 pm today. Be ready for it. And once again to my followers, Merry Christmas!


SORRY WAIT, BUT I'M BACK, AND BETTER THAN EVER!!! Most of you already know my reasons for why I've been gone if you read my message, so I'm not going to explain myself again. What you do need to know is that the wait is FINALLY OVER! The revamped version of Chapter 1 will be published on 11/23/2024 at precisely 12:00, noon. Get your phones, tablets, computers, or whatever you read on, and get ready for the return of Bathound - Paws Of Justice! LETS GET IT!!!


Hey guys, HoopFireX07 here. So, I've been going through my story [Bathound - Paws Of Justice, and I've come to the realization that I'm not prepared to continue from where it is right now. There are a lot of parts to this story that I have ideas on what is going to happen, but the process of how we get to that point is where I'm stuck. 
          This is my first ever story, and the truth is I've been winging it the whole time, and just coming up with ideas along the way. But this process has given me a MAJOR case of Writer's Block. Not only that, but I also have a lot of stuff going on in my life, what with me being an uprising senior in high school, and in the process of trying to find a school to go to.
          I need time, A LOT of time, to regather and organize my ideas and thoughts so that I can continue the story smoothly. So, unfortunately, for these two reasons, I've had to unpublish my whole story back into a draft. I'm not sure for how long. To the readers who have voted and bared with me throughout the story, I ask you all to continue to bear with me as I'm going through this. I promise you all, this is not the end. I will be back, stronger than ever. I'll let you all know when I return beforehand, but until then, All I ask is that you guys just stay with me.
          I will not disappoint you guys, You have my word.


I also forgot to mention, that while unpublished, I will be revamping the entire story so far. That means, when I'm done, you, the readers will have to go and read from Chapter 1, so there is no confusion as to why the story is different. There are going to be some major changes involving characters, story writing style, and plot development.


Chapter 7 of 'Bathound – Paws Of Justice' is in the works as we speak, so it shouldn't be too long until the next update. But I wanted to announce that there will be a MAJOR change made in Chapter 1. I'm making these changes because Ace's attitude in the beginning doesn't add up to how his attitude is at this point (Put simply: His attitude isn't consistent, and doesn't make sense with the rest of the story). I won't go away from what this chapter is about; all I'm doing is making an attitude adjustment for Ace. 
              So bad-ish news: until I'm done with the revamp, 'Chapter 1 - Leaving Home' will be temporarily unpublished from the story. But, good-ish news: all of this means I will be publishing, and republishing two chapters on the same day. When they're done, I suggest everyone reread Chapter 1, along with Chapter 7.
             [THIS IS IMPORTANT] If anyone and/or enough people think that Ch. 1 is fine just the way it is, speak up NOW because after I publish the revamped Ch. 1, I WILL NOT change it back. Other than that, if you guys have any other questions, I'll do my best to answer as many as I can.
          Thanks, and I'll try not to keep you guys waiting too much longer
                                                                                                                              From: HoopFireX07