
This is really random but I’d thought I’d share anyway.
          	I’m working on a fan season for Aly which takes place between seasons 9 and 10! And as well as this I’m working on re-writing the Oni trilogy and overall updating book 1 to follow Aly’s new-ish storyline.
          	Her story hasn’t changed beyond season 10, but the Oni Trilogy has definitely changed a decent amount, especially with Aly’s fan season basically in the middle of it. I have some artwork to go along with the season which I hope to share soon in my art book (as well as a crap ton of other drawings from back in November/December last year-).
          	So yeah, I hope to get that out soon (the art I mean), and I’m working on the next chapter of TSE book 2; I know it’s been a few weeks since I updated, but I promise I’ll have the next one out by tomorrow night at the latest, it’s almost finished.
          	I’m aiming to have season 2 part 1 finished before July first since that’s when part 2 comes out, and from what we know already I am super excited and am already making notes.
          	Anyway, I’ve been yapping too much so I’ll leave y’all be.
          	I hope you’re all having a good morning/day/evening/night, and I hope to see you all soon <3


This is really random but I’d thought I’d share anyway.
          I’m working on a fan season for Aly which takes place between seasons 9 and 10! And as well as this I’m working on re-writing the Oni trilogy and overall updating book 1 to follow Aly’s new-ish storyline.
          Her story hasn’t changed beyond season 10, but the Oni Trilogy has definitely changed a decent amount, especially with Aly’s fan season basically in the middle of it. I have some artwork to go along with the season which I hope to share soon in my art book (as well as a crap ton of other drawings from back in November/December last year-).
          So yeah, I hope to get that out soon (the art I mean), and I’m working on the next chapter of TSE book 2; I know it’s been a few weeks since I updated, but I promise I’ll have the next one out by tomorrow night at the latest, it’s almost finished.
          I’m aiming to have season 2 part 1 finished before July first since that’s when part 2 comes out, and from what we know already I am super excited and am already making notes.
          Anyway, I’ve been yapping too much so I’ll leave y’all be.
          I hope you’re all having a good morning/day/evening/night, and I hope to see you all soon <3


Hello my lovely people, it’s been a while,
          I know I’ve been quiet for a while with no content or updates, but I had drifted away from Ninjago and found interest in other fandoms.
          However, with the release of Dragons Rising season 2 today, I might have just gotten my motivation back to continue writing chapters. I’ve only got two more chapters of season 1 left to write, both of white I know what I’m doing for, so I’m aiming to have season 1 wrapped by next Sunday at the latest.
          I have plans for season 2 which I’m way too excited for, and I hope to bring you guys something new soon.
          I hope you all have a good morning/day/evening/night, and I hope to see you all soon.


@Hooper_Alyssa2 Can’t wait to see what you do.


Just a heads up, I've changed book 1 of The Split Element to include Aly's name instead of Y/n. Since it's taken up most of my day, I won't change book 2 until tomorrow.
          Thought I'd let you guys know I'm basically over half-way done with this.


@Hooper_Alyssa2 been here since 2021 and just got back.. will miss y/n but i love aly smm <33


@Hooper_Alyssa2 aw, I'm gonna miss it when it said Y/n


@Hooper_Alyssa2 Well, I, also, just noticed that the title (not on the cover) still says Zane x Reader Insert. I just thought I’d let you know as to not cause confusion.


Ok, little update on the Y/n to Aly change;
          As of now, I’ve more or less decided to make the change: I’ve talked to my friends about it and they’ve agreed that it makes more sense for it to be Aly’s name considering it is her story. 
          I’m really sorry to those who would rather it stay as Y/n, but I have a solution if you’d like one: there’s Chrome extensions which allow you to change names such as Y/n, or any other name into whatever you’d like, so I’d highly recommend that if seeing “Aly” in The Split Element isn’t what you wanted.
          I won’t be able to make the changes today as I’m working all day, but I’ll be working on the changes tomorrow; I’ve got over 170 chapters to change over 3 books so it’ll take a little while.
          Thank you, and I’m sorry for any inconveniences.


Genuine question because I’ve been thinking about this for a while:
          How would you guys feel if I changed Y/n’s name to my Oc’s (Aly) in The Split Element books? I feel like most of you know it’s her story, and a few of you do mention her by name in chapters.
          I know it would be a big change, but, at least to me, reading the story itself would feel more truthful to Aly rather than it being a “reader insert” y’know?
          I know this would be a big change, and I’d probably only start going through all the chapters once I’ve finished DR season 1 (which could hopefully give me more motivation to actually get a move on and finish the damn thing), or I could work on the changes now-ish and get it done so the next chapters have her name in? I don’t know, what would you guys want.
          Change Y/n to Aly’s name, or keep Y/n?
          PS: I know most of you will say you don’t mind, which is understandable, I get it. I’ll probably take that as I can change the name with no issues moving forward.


@Cherridash I’ve almost finished making the change; all chapters up to the start of Crystallized have been changed with Aly’s name, and the rest should be done within the next hour or so!


I would love it to be Aly


I’ve probably already asked this before, but do you guys prefer longer chapters where the whole episode is included, or two chapters of a single episode?
          I’m worrying that chapters are getting too long and I don’t know what you guys would prefer to read.
          Let me know what you’d prefer, and I’ll hopefully have something to upload soon for you. 


@Hooper_Alyssa2 both is fine with me 


Either works for me. I prefer the 20 minute episodes broken up into two, and the 10 minutes whole. But again, it’s not a dealbreaker either way. 


Both work for me