
hey!! i’ve officially moved my account to @rohceniares ;) check it out if you will, tahnk you! (if anyone is still here after 2 years yikes)


Oh my gods I'm so confused help?
          First of all I know I keep saying this but I'm so sorry, but I'm actually working on a sorry right now and I promise I'll update soon.
          Second - people still like what I write like ????????
          Third - My fandoms and writing style have changed. A LOT. Just a reminder so that everyone might see why everything dramatically changes.
          So. No excuses this time! I'll update occasionally and hopefully stay on track!
          Meanwhile, I have an Instagram now! Check it out at frostedhope12 to see what I'm up to and what I'm drawing ^^


Okay okay okay D:
          I'm am literally. So. Sorry.
          So I know you people are extremely sick of me just continuously putting off Wattpad, but dam, I've fallen DEEP into like five fandoms. (*cough* Septiplier awaay *cough*)
          Okay, so, I'm back in school now (8th grade yaay), and UGH. Just... School.
          Okay, so... I'll probably take a couple hours to type out all replies and thank yous to everyone out here who voted and commented all those awesome things, they make my day :D
          But I can't even imagine... What the heck happened xD See, I'm trying to picture all of you people in one room who have all taken the time to support my crappy writing. And I realize that EVERYONE here is an individual. Everyone is different, they have their own lives, but sometime in their own lives, they came across my story I wrote for fun and thought it was nice.
          I checked back today because I decided I shouldn't be afraid of the responsibility of people ACTUALLY LIKING my stuff... And I was hit in the face with all these votes, follows, and comments. Hades, I appreciate every person who even takes the time to click on my story and reads only a word!
          Because I realize everyone here actually took the time to do what you did. And it's just mind blowing to me that people even paid attention to me, this little random girl in the corner.
          So, thank you, so, so, so much. I will get to everyone and start writing again... Hopefully soon! I've been writing on my phone the entire summer, but I'm slightly afraid of attention and the fact that people will judge me, and I don't know if I'll ever post them. It's 12:00am right now over here, and I'm on my crappy phone that keeps messing up the Wattpad website, but eventually, I WILL get to everyone.
          Okay, I'm sorry if I've bored you with all this stuff, but truly, I mean it. Even if there's just a single person who reads my story and somehow makes them smile, I'll be happy for my life.
          Thank you everyone :)


Guys I'm slightly scared.. I've been getting so many notifications on votes and stuff I can't even keep track of followers! Plus I don't have access to my computer and it's hard to keep track of followers on mobile, so it may take a while to follow you back. I'm also halfway across the world (I'm in Taiwan at the moment) so I promise I will try to get to everyone as soon as possible when I get to my computer!! Btw, thank you all soooo much for the votes and comments, I really appreciate it!!


Hello. I was wondering if you could read my new book-Percy Jackson:The Quest Of Hogwarts. And I update every Saturday. It's about the ORIGINAL TRIO going to Hogwarts to solve upcoming events that I will not share right now. This story does not contain Gaea, voldemort, or both, or kronos 


N no worries 


OK, thank u❤


@-lAdmirel- Oh, of course! I'm sorry for the late reply, I haven't been on wattpad recently. I'll check it out!


I have an original story, inspired by Uncle Rick Riordan.
          So you already know it's going to be ridiculous.
          But right now, I'm still writing in on my phone and it's a little bs'ed (it's true tho). I'm not that great at original stories, but I have a plan for it, and that's where I'm going.
          So, I'm going to publish the first chapter soon and see if people like it! Please tell me what you think (of course, after I put it up in a few days).
          Thanks :D


Oh gods guys, I think I have an addiction to getting more Wattpad accounts...
          haha, I have three now! One of them is 13_StarMoonSky_13. I got another today. The username is phantastic_demigod.
          I haven't been updating lately, mostly because I'm lazy and stuck on writer's block. I kind of want to delete Anything. I probs will :P
          Anyways, I'll say something if I have to... brb gotta do homework!