@Robyn-Jay I should be the one thanking you, I really love your story? I can't stop wondering where do you get all of these Elyon's comments ;) They're hilarious :D
@HopeYouRemember I wouldn't write it if I didn't have peopele who enjoyed it like you so really thanks :)
Ahh well some of them are from my friends and the rest just sort of come to me when I am writing haha :)
@Robyn-Jay I should be the one thanking you, I really love your story? I can't stop wondering where do you get all of these Elyon's comments ;) They're hilarious :D
Hello lovely :) Thanks a lot for becoming my fan! I'm really eager to know the reason behind you fanning me, though:)
But its greatly appreciated. Check out my works sometime, you'd like them ^_^
Keep Smiling,
Peace XXX