The walls I've built
Are built to stay,
They're made to never break down,
No matter what I say.
They are hard as daimond,
Strong as steel,
And they make sure
I never feel.
No true emotions
Have I felt in so long,
I hate this,
And I know it's wrong.
But I can't seem to tear them down,
I just keep putting up more,
I just keep pushing people away,
I am so torn!
The emotions scare me;
I know what lies behind the walls,
I know what lurks in the darkness,
I am not deaf to it's calls.
I know all the pain
That lurks there,
I know all the awful things,
And I am so scared.
But if I do not feel the bad,
How can I feel the good?
I must tear down the walls,
I know I should.
It's just so hard
To tear down barriers
That were meant to stay strong,
And it just gets scarier.
These walls I've built
Are pushing you away,
Making me want to shout,
Stay, stay!