
I'm writing chapter 5 at the moment.... stay tuned :)


@Hope_Unmatched1 Sorry, I answered the incorrect message. I will read it with pleasure this weekend :)


@Hope_Unmatched1 I will get to it this weekend :)


I saw Wattpad in 2013 when I was in a different job and had freedom to use my computer. Life gets in the way though with everyone and different passions were always pulling me away from writing (hence the sparse offerings!). I was learning to play the piano, travelling with my wife and doing general things with family and friends. What started things going (and then promptly spluttered to a stop) was a writing challenge with a friend of mine. We had a strict 500 word challenge. One would select the Era, Location and gender of Protagonist for the other and give them a month. I was given New York in the 70's and a male - hence my New York Story. I loved doing it because I was channelled into a focused story - much easier than the freedom of having carte blanche to do whatever I wished which makes me procrastinate more. Then my friend's wife got ill and so did his daughter (both well now) and this took away his attention and my focus. It was only at work on a lunch break that I decided to write my second story and I really hope that I continue to have a go. I may be sporadic and I am not naturally a planner and I just think of a 'what if' situation and let the words go where they will! Anyways, that was a set-up and back story! Hope you continue to create and I am quietly jealous of the fact you have a story to bring forth - in chapters no less! I may be a short story person until I get a topic I want to flesh out and explore. Take care!


@Sion71 I've now completed chapter three of my new book "Madam Vivian Ale", be sure to check it out :)


There is nothing better to be a little brave when doing a story, regardless of its size or complexity. It is after all, your 'child' and as such it has to best you want it to be. Never ever apologise for this. Remember, each story in a book you have read has gone through this process and then had it amended further by a professional editor. I am sure that the very first draft of some of the most popular stories were rougher than they wanted them to be but unlike putting a chapter at a time up on a site like this, they waited until they thought it was their best before an editor got his or her scissors to their hard work.
            I have already followed you anyway. Happy New Year and have a good rewrite!


I'm writing chapter 5 at the moment.... stay tuned :)


@Hope_Unmatched1 Sorry, I answered the incorrect message. I will read it with pleasure this weekend :)


@Hope_Unmatched1 I will get to it this weekend :)