Hey guys...it has been a while. Sorry that I fell off the face of the earth. College has been fun and stressful but I am getting through it. So a lot of things are changing and I just want to let you guys know about it. 1. I am no longer posting on Wattpad and I will be deleting my stories Don't worry I will be posting on my AO3 (which is in my bio). I am keeping my Wattpad just to make sure that no one steals my works and posts them on here. I will not be active on here anymore once my stories have been deleted. There are a lot of reasons why I am leaving Wattpad but it all comes down to one reason. I am not sure if this is true but I heard that Wattpad made a deal with a film company where they can legally steal story ideas from writers on here. While this may not be true, I do not want to take that risk. I am not about to have my work to be taken from me. I suggest that all of you do the same because this is not acceptable. It will be hard to delete my works because of the lovely and hilarious comments you guys have left on here. Those comments have gotten me through my dark days and I cannot thank you guys enough for that. I am planning on deleting my stories sometime after New Years. 2. I am rewriting Hidden I got burnt out from writing Hidden and I realized I wanted to change a few things. Also, I started to write this in high school and my writing skills have gotten better (at least I think they have lol) and I do not want to subject new readers to my bad writing. I am working on the outline for it right now. It is still going to be the same premise and it will have the same characters. The big things I am changing are the beginning (sorry Luna's parents are still dead in the rewrite haha). I think this is for the best. Also, the rewrite will still have the Never Get an Ultrisian Drunk chapter. I know you guys like that one :) I will post the rewrite on my AO3. IDK when that will be since I am still working on the outline. Part 1

(Part 2...I ran out of room lol) 3. I have a Tumblr now! I have already posted a few things on there FYI. However, I have one simple rule that everyone must follow. MY TUMBLR IS NOT SAFE FOR MINORS IF YOU ARE NOT 18 OR OLDER, DO NOT GO TO MY TUMBLR. MINORS ARE NOT WELCOMED THERE. IF YOU ARE A MINOR AND BELIEVE THAT YOU ARE "MATURE ENOUGH" TO INTERACT WITH MY BLOG, I WILL BLOCK YOU. YOU ARE NOT AN EXCEPTION TO MY RULE. RESPECT MY RULES AND WAIT UNTIL YOU ARE OLDER. With that out of the way, my Tumblr is infinitehyperfixations. I hope I will see some of you (THAT ARE 18 OR OLDER) on my tumblr and AO3! AO3: Hope_And_Fire Tumblr: infinitehyperfixations