
It's been two months since ny last message, I am honestly so sorry, I have been so busy with schools and other matters that I have really been neglecting wattpad, I am still writing two of a kind and I'm hating myself for making it a massive fight cos this is probably the most badly written unrealistic thing to ever be released haha, i hope to writr more, and after this chapter is finally finishef the others shouldn't tske as lobg to release as I know how i plan to end the story, thank you all for sticjing wiyh me!!!! Xxx


It's been two months since ny last message, I am honestly so sorry, I have been so busy with schools and other matters that I have really been neglecting wattpad, I am still writing two of a kind and I'm hating myself for making it a massive fight cos this is probably the most badly written unrealistic thing to ever be released haha, i hope to writr more, and after this chapter is finally finishef the others shouldn't tske as lobg to release as I know how i plan to end the story, thank you all for sticjing wiyh me!!!! Xxx


To everyone waiting for an update on Two of  a Kind! I am so so so sorry, I'm writing a fight scene and these are very hard for me because I don't want it to be repetitive or fake seeming and it's something I really struggle with, I will try really hard to have this chapter out ASAP, thank you so so much for your patience!


Ok, so recently I've been really stressed out due to exams/school work etc and so writing has kinda taken a back seat. I know it already takes me AGES to post the next chapter of Two of a Kind, and I hate it every time I see the time gaps between my updates, but that's just how everything is progressing at the moment. Anyway, what i want to say is thank you for your patience, I am currently writing the next chapter and have just done over 1000 words. Hopefully it shouldn't be a short chapter and I will try to finish and post it ASAP
          All My Love


You're profile pic has an extra s.


@ForeverAMultiShipper haha nah it's fine, it was a while ago :D


Oh, OK. Didn't know who I said that to.