
Hola chicos!!
          	Tengo una amiga @NereaB98 que ha escrito una novela y bueno, si os digo que me la he acabado en un dia, ya os lo digo todo. Es genial!! Por favor, si podeis, dadle una oportunidad y os aseguro que no os arrepentireis. 
          	Ya me contareis que tal :)


just so you know, I'd love to read your fanfic but I absolutely do not understand even one word in Spanish or whatever the language is cause I'm bad at recognizing languages (and I doubt I can learn cause legit all my friends are Serbian and I've been friends with them for 9 years and I only know how to say one thing in Serbian lol) ANYWAYS back to my original point, although I can't read it, I have no doubt that your fic is absolutely amazing❤️


@sarahraspberry I don't have social medias :( yep, I know, I'm weird hahahah oooh, you live in Canada *-* I want to go there omgg *-* well, ilyy ♡♡


ily you too! and yes, we should get to know eachother more!! what are your social medias if you have them? or kik or something? and If live to lean Spanish in school but here in Canada French is the other language they teach besides English haha


@sarahraspberry Ooooh, you are soo amazing and cute *-* You were right, it's Spanish and I understand you, I know English because of school and because I love English omg in my next life i want to live in England or America *-* Well, back to the point, noo problem, it's an adaptation (i don't know if this word actually exists lol) of an actual story that is simply amaaaazing *-* but it isn't Laarry so... :( Well, thank you for all, you are reaaally amazing, I hope that I can get to know you better  ily ♡


 Heeey chicos, 
          Bueno, me estoy leyendo una novela Larry en ingles y la autora esta empezando con esto pero me encanta *-* el problema es que no tiene casi visitas ni votos y a lo mejor para de escribirla por eso :( si sabeeis ingles y os hace ilusion leeros una novela de Larry, ya sabeis :) muchaas graacias.
          Se llama 'Little white lies' de @sarahraspberry aqui os dejo el link: http://w.tt/1NL3FrQ 


Hola bebe, estoy empezando una historia de amor, si quieres pasate, muchas gracias preciosa ✋


De nada preciosa  


@Hopeless_2 Muchaas gracias :)


@NoseNiyo Okeey, me pasare 


Hola, ¿te podrias pasar por mi historia?, es nueva (no es fanfict), si te pasas por favor dame una critica constructiva o una opinión, lee la descripción, esta en mi perfil, sección "obras", espero que te guste


@MartinaBadilla12 Sii claro, cuando pueda la empiezo :)