Assalamu alaikum, my dear readers and followers! It's been a while, and I hope all of you are doing well. I've been quite distant from wattpad, unintentionally, the past couple of years.
I'm here just to give a heads up to anyone who's reading 'A Page Left Blank' at the moment. This is to let you know that I will be taking the book down shortly (In the next 48 hrs), so please do finish any pending chapters in your to-read list.
I miss the community we had created a decade back, and I often reminisce of the times I was active here. Undeniably, they were some good days but life takes unexpected turns and you don't get to pursue your hobbies due to time constraints. In sha Allah, I do hope I can resume writing someday and publish better novels, but until then, I hope the lessons from my previous works stay with you.
Thank you for your love over the years.