
Hello my dear reader, I'm sorry for not upload in such long time, i don't expect that I will be stay long at my aunt house. I didn't bring my book where I wrote my plot or draft there so I can't do anything my head blank. I try to make or continue is but i scare it's will chnage my story plot so i didn't continue. I'm so so sorry i not doing this on purpose  in few days or next week Im sure I will update new chapter 


Hello eonnie congratulations for ur new follower that is me only *sheepishly smiling*
          Anyway....eonnie when will u post the book 2 of the 7 robots?


Ohh okk thank u


@ATG_1210 helloo thank you so much, book 2 have already posted.. it's now on going. The book 2 called Destiny.. you can check it out on my profile 


Hello my dear reader, I'm sorry for not upload in such long time, i don't expect that I will be stay long at my aunt house. I didn't bring my book where I wrote my plot or draft there so I can't do anything my head blank. I try to make or continue is but i scare it's will chnage my story plot so i didn't continue. I'm so so sorry i not doing this on purpose  in few days or next week Im sure I will update new chapter 


Hey I wish you can update BTS FF soon!!


Your welcome <3 and Thanks for the reply uwu


@ITS_Black_Liar I'm sorry for that I will update it soon maybe in this week also thanks for reading my book. 