
          	If you’re currently reading through/caught up on revised TKP chapters, there have been MAJOR plot updates in chapter 26 that I just published. I would highly advise rereading it for the sake of not being confused in future chapters.


@HorridPegasus  Cool, I'll love to re-read the chapter. It feels like it's been so long since I've "visited" Anastasia, Samuel, and the gang.


Hi from India!
          It's 3 am in night & I just finished both TKP & TQC in just 2.5 days! I have missed sleep & work to finish this story. I generally don't read incomplete stories in the fear that the author stops writing & it has happened before, but your story intrigued me A LOT! I finished TKP & couldn't stop myself from continuing to the second book. 
          My only hope is that you finish the story..please oh please don't break my heart. Even if your last update was 2 years ago, I'm still holding hope. I'm guessing you will continue with it after you are done with TKP's revision. Please do that but don't stop writing this story, please! 
          Thank you!


          If you’re currently reading through/caught up on revised TKP chapters, there have been MAJOR plot updates in chapter 26 that I just published. I would highly advise rereading it for the sake of not being confused in future chapters.


@HorridPegasus  Cool, I'll love to re-read the chapter. It feels like it's been so long since I've "visited" Anastasia, Samuel, and the gang.


Officially finished my first year of nursing school as of Thursday (hooray). Haven’t been posting nearly as much as I wish I was because of clinicals and work so I apologize for going MIA. Gonna try to be active on here as much as I can over the summer! I am going on several trips over the next month but I’ll be writing in between them whenever I can. Thank you guys again for all the love and support. <3


@HorridPegasus  Congrats! Hope you enjoy your summer!


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Hey guys… guess who’s back from the dead (again). Been MIA because I had family over for the holidays and went on a trip for New Years and had a lot of shit going on with school. Started my second semester of nursing school last week so everything is full in swing again. I’m just letting you guys know I haven’t forgotten about you. Honestly, whenever I get a chapter out is whenever I get a chapter out at this point. I’m not putting a date on when that will be just because life has been so unpredictable lately. I just thought I would at least post a check-in to let you all know I’m still alive. Love you all and thank you for your support! <3 


sorry about the random TKP updates you guys. i’m kind of in the middle of rereading over all the revised chapters that are currently posted and making sure plot details align. it’s also a great opportunity for me to rewrite some sentences i thought were a bit everywhere. if you see any minor changes, no worries! things are still mostly the same :-)


okay, you guys are actually finally getting a new chapter in the next week (probably a few days tbh bc i’ve been tweaking and finishing up the current one for a while now). everything’s been so crazy with vacation and then i was weirdly sick for like two weeks and now i’m getting ready for nursing school but i’ve been slowly working on the next chapter and a bonus Samuel POV one during this last month. i also think this part of TKP is just in general harder for me to write and get in the groove of writing bc i hit a roadblock during this same point in the plot for the last revision and the one before that, too. after i get over this hill, things should be smoother and more consistent (i hope).


been living my best summer life, getting hella buff at the gym, saw Taylor Swift for the first time ever on Friday (cried a lot & had so so so much fun), and working way too much at both of my jobs but i’m going to really try and dedicate a lot of time this week to getting you guys a TKP chapter out asap!


@HorridPegasus  Glad you had fun!


@HorridPegasus  thankfully none of my kids ever liked her. I'm the Swifty in our house . And I can't go to concerts. So I get to save my money & watch concerts on YouTube 


@-Tonia74- i somehow survived the Great War of Ticketmaster back in November and scored 2 of them and was so grateful to get the chance to see her! i completely agree tho, they are (and were) so hard to get which really sucks considering so many people can’t afford to pay 1000s of dollars for one ticket. 