
Happiness is eating a papa john's medium sized pepperoni and jalapeno pizza with 2 ranch cups and drinking ginger ale. I am not happy


this message may be offensive
When I eat, I feel sick. When I don't eat, I feel weak and shaky. I hate waking up every day just to feel like Jennifer fucking check


@lovelysaintxoxo it's okay <3 idk if that's bc of my anemia but it's soooo bad


oh sweet girl I’m so sorry. </33


Was afraid of being a party pooper but idc anymore. Can't wait until today ends. Just a painful reminder that I'll always be a second choice and nothing more to anybody. I hate it here so much.


@aperson_whoexists thank you so much for your kind words <333 I've been putting up such a tiring front for so long and I'm tired of having to be so strong for the sake of myself. I really hope you're right about me meeting people who care about me soon because I can't think of one person in my irl circle that has me in their heart. Also, thank you so much! That means so much from someone who's the epitome of all talent. They really are asshats, but I have to keep reminding myself that I'll get to move out very soon. Again, thank you so much!


@HorrorEnthusiast_12 im so sorry youre going through this, your family sounds like asshats. just get through it and sooner or later youll be strong and independent with people who care about you for who you are. they dont know your worth! youre better than they think you are. ive read some of your work and i can say that you are very talented. just focus on yourself and dont let their words or their absence bring you down. you got this girlie ❤️


I think what's making me so angry is my own family. Just the thought of the 4 of them (excluding my stepsister and anyone outside my main family) in the same room with me disgusts me and makes me feel claustrophobic. I'm so ready to leave them. If I could get emancipated I would


Gonna take a little break from writing and drawing because this college writing class is messing with my head and destroying every single atom in me and I just can't force myself to continue when I'm burnt out. My writer's guilt is killing me. But a trade will definitely be out before the end of this month. I hope you all understand :')


no worries sweetheart!! like I said before, take your time. you deserve all of the time in the world. focus on your class. <33