
Hey guys, so quick thing. I have come to the decision that I am not going to be writing anymore of the smut stories on here. I don’t feel comfortable writing sexually explicit stories about people who I don’t know and have no given consent. It just doesn’t sit right with me anymore. I don’t know if I’ll ever put anything on this story again bc frankly it’s rubbing me the wrong way but I’m gonna think on it. I also haven’t decided if I’m going to keep the smut stories that are already there up or not. I’m either going to take them down or I can edit them to make them less explicit. I would love to hear feedback on that to help me come to a decision. I’m sorry if that disappoints anybody I just don’t feel ok writing about that anymore. I am in no way saying anything about what anybody else writes or how explicit or not it is because this is just my opinion about my writing specifically. I love yall and I’m sorry but I gotta figure something out. Lmk what y’all think❤️(messages on wattpad don’t work for me so use this conversation if you wanna respond, or message me on insta for those who have it)


Hey guys, so quick thing. I have come to the decision that I am not going to be writing anymore of the smut stories on here. I don’t feel comfortable writing sexually explicit stories about people who I don’t know and have no given consent. It just doesn’t sit right with me anymore. I don’t know if I’ll ever put anything on this story again bc frankly it’s rubbing me the wrong way but I’m gonna think on it. I also haven’t decided if I’m going to keep the smut stories that are already there up or not. I’m either going to take them down or I can edit them to make them less explicit. I would love to hear feedback on that to help me come to a decision. I’m sorry if that disappoints anybody I just don’t feel ok writing about that anymore. I am in no way saying anything about what anybody else writes or how explicit or not it is because this is just my opinion about my writing specifically. I love yall and I’m sorry but I gotta figure something out. Lmk what y’all think❤️(messages on wattpad don’t work for me so use this conversation if you wanna respond, or message me on insta for those who have it)


Hey guys sorry I haven’t been on here in awhile.. For whatever reason my messages and notifications wont show up... like it tells me that i have a bunch but when i try to read them it wont load so... I know that I have a one shot or two that i need to write but seeing as how I can’t see my messages to remember what they are I’m gonna leave my instagram... if y’all wanna follow you can and message me your requests and i will have them up as soon as I have time.. I am so sorry ya’ll


@Horror_queen254 mine is danixm23, I'll follow you and send in my request again. 


The world is freaking insane right now. The fact that the blatant murder and racism against people is still happening is BS. There needs to be a change. This has been going on far too long and there needs to be an end. I have no respect for racists. If you are you need to shut the hell up and re-evaluate your life. George Floyd did not deserve to be murdered... nor have any of the others who have been murdered due to somebody being a racist POS. Now is the time to take a stand and put an end to this hate for good. #BlackLivesMatter


@Horror_queen254 I know what you mean... Well everything is slowly falling into place... Whether it's good or bad... Its life 


@HappilyMotionless same here. If I could go out and protest right now ( peacefully I mean) I definitely would! I hope the same for you!


@Horror_queen254 I wish I could be there to physically support the movements... I hope you are ok and safe


Hey guys! It has been such a long time since I've been able to be on here... This is as perfect a time as ever for me to get back on and take requests if you have them! I'm so happy to be back even if for a little while!
          xoxo Raven


@HappilyMotionless same... good I’m glad youre doing well!


@Horror_queen254 I'm ok as well and had been in quarantine like everyone else but I'm alright .... God I have been reading stories and doing some University work


@TheDevilWhore thanks! Glad to be back


this message may be offensive
I don't know if any of ya'll are fans of Machine Gun Kelly... but his song Glass House is amazing... I just bawled my damn eyes out listening to the song and reading the lyrics... that shit hits different if you have any kind of depression... I felt that shit... damn


Hey guys so... I recently got two requests that were literally almost the same story and with the same band member... soooooo I am still going to write both stories within the next few weeks.... it may be longer but I’m going to try... I will try to put a A/N in between the two stories just so that y’all know it’s about two separate people... one of which is going to be pretty rough BDSM... ( or as rough as I’m comfortable with realistically writing... I don’t want tot to be cheesy) and the other will still be sexual but the more romantic side of things.... btw I’m sorry I haven’t been in here in a while.... I can only be on for a little bit right now so I may not get the first flstiry up today but I will try my best! 
          Thank you all for your patience!


@Horror_queen254 take your time hon, I'm sure they'll be well worth the wait. 


If you haven't listened to A Reason to Fight by Disturbed... do yourself a favor and listen to it... it's amazing


@emarie_horror I love that... I would be bawling like a baby


@Horror_queen254 it's great , I cried like a little bitch to be honest