
1.4K reads for The Light....thank you so so  much! God bless!!


Yay! I have great news! For whatever reason, for weeks my story Bella wouldn't let me post, it would say error. Finally, today, I felt like trying once again and if it didn't work I'd delete worked! Bella is back on and I can't wait to keep posting because I feel very happy with this story so far!
          Jesus loves you forever and always, turn to Him! Have an amazing week!


also...forgot to say this...posted another chapter in  my devotion book! please be sure to check it out :)


hey, sorry for not updating for a while, life has become superrr busy with finals and classes, it was all too much. i'll be deleting Bella soon i think, for whatever reason Wattpad won't let me add to the story, it's being really weird and i've just decided  to end it. also, i'm having a hugeee writers block right now for 'the light in her night' because i want to give it a good ending. to everyone's who's suffered enough and taken the time to read my first-ever and not-so-great books, thanks so much!
          have a great weekend, make the most of it!


@HorseRider2007 totally understand.have a great weekend too.


thank you for 100 reads on Devotions/Inspiration!!! (previously called Our Walk)
          I hope anyone going through a hard time finds this book and reads it, my goal is to help anyone going through some kind of difficult patch. love yourselves and have a great day! another chapter is up for Bella too so check that our :) God bless,


1.2 K... ya'll I'm speeches :) i know it seems dumb that I'm so happy this story got so far, but for my (very close to being done) piece, this is *INCREDIBLE*! I really never expected 1 K, let alone 1.2! Thank you to all you who have read and voted.
          I'd like to shout out to my good friend @scarlet_witch_23 (go check out her book Sweetheart, it's awesomeee). Also thank you to @Lutune for voting and reading! Again, although it seems small to those who have millions of reads and votes, this makes me so happy that some people are actually putting up with my not-so-great writing. Thank you so much, God bless :)