
Happy 15th to ME!!!
          	Birthday Wishes......
          	As another birthday passes
          	My wishes are never lasting
          	I change my wish every year
          	Like you think I would
          	No cake to celebrate this special day
          	And that is perfectly ok
          	I wish I could go back,
          	Back to when everything was simple
          	When grades didn't matter
          	Where I wasn't insecure
          	When I was at a place I could easily call home
          	But things change
          	They always do 
          	So here is my birthday wish to you
          	Remember the kid you used to be
          	And every now and then 
          	Let them run free
          	Don't pay attention to what the others think
          	Please just do it for me
          	You won't regret it one bit
          	Because you let your walls slip
          	You were finally free
          	And that's all I want to be
          	But now is not the time
          	So I start back on my climb
          	The one to the top of the tower
          	Where I'll finally see all the pretty flowers
          	My birthday wishes will hopefully soon come true...
          	And I won't feel sorry for you if they do


@Horse_Lover4334 oh I'm sorry belated happy b'day T-T Have a fantastic year ahead <3


@starrlemur Love ya too girl thanks... and I'll be fine..... just takes time


Happy 15th to ME!!!
          Birthday Wishes......
          As another birthday passes
          My wishes are never lasting
          I change my wish every year
          Like you think I would
          No cake to celebrate this special day
          And that is perfectly ok
          I wish I could go back,
          Back to when everything was simple
          When grades didn't matter
          Where I wasn't insecure
          When I was at a place I could easily call home
          But things change
          They always do 
          So here is my birthday wish to you
          Remember the kid you used to be
          And every now and then 
          Let them run free
          Don't pay attention to what the others think
          Please just do it for me
          You won't regret it one bit
          Because you let your walls slip
          You were finally free
          And that's all I want to be
          But now is not the time
          So I start back on my climb
          The one to the top of the tower
          Where I'll finally see all the pretty flowers
          My birthday wishes will hopefully soon come true...
          And I won't feel sorry for you if they do


@Horse_Lover4334 oh I'm sorry belated happy b'day T-T Have a fantastic year ahead <3


@starrlemur Love ya too girl thanks... and I'll be fine..... just takes time


Shadow Of Doubts........
          I never seem to look in the right direction
          Cause all I ever see is my reflection
          Guys seem to just pass me by
          Shewing me away like I'm some fly
          Annoying and small
          And so easy to fall
          I seem to like all the wrong guys
          Is this gonna be my love life
          I'm happy alone
          But I still want someone
          How am I supposed to find the one
          When all my efforts are rejected
          It makes me feel so defective
          Like a battery that is out of charge
          Or a light bulb that doesn't shine
          Even a star hidden in the night
          Why can't I be like you 
          And just find my someone new
          I wish this were easier
          But instead it's all a blur
          I compared myself to someone I know in this poem but umm idk what to really say abt this poem. I guess I'm just feeling left out and like there is a hole that needs to be filled but the right person hasn't came to fill it. I've seen so many people I know dating and getting boyfriends and I guess I'm just waiting for my turn though it seems to never come... I've tried talking to a few guys that I know one didn't respond and the other completely told me know saying we could talk but not over text or email so basically I got rejected..... why can't I just find someone sweet, kind, funny, smart, and taller than me already?? Like the height thing is pos the first box anybody will check off.... I am totally rambling.... My bad..... Hope you liked the poem!!!!


@starrlemur I appreciate it but I just don't think it'll happen.... I mean what are the chances I actually end up with a country boy?? To be fair I've lowered my expectation.... Country boy is not required but preferred and they still HAVE to listen to country music..... I hope your right


@Horse_Lover4334 Girl, you will find your guy soon. you just have to look up. literally. (kidding) And you are so lovable. like stitch. I know your country boy, cowboy is coming. just not yet. And don't let my relationships get you down. you are awesome, and any guy could see that. You just haven't found any guys that aren't stupid. I'm the one with the stupid guys. You are a star everyone can see, or should. and they are loosing if they don't. Just be you, and you're truck-driving redneck will come. Pretty soon, you'll have your dylan, your ezra. And then I will get to be jealous, because I can only attract players. You will find your man. you will find your interest man. Trust me. the perfect guy is out there, probually writing poems just like this, about you. just wait, and keep being you and he'll come to you
            and he better be on a horse when he does it


So abt the new story….. I am editing the prologue but y’all want it as I write the story or do you want me to write it and post it when I finish? I don’t know how long it would be if I waited to post it until I finished but it is up to you so js let me know!!


Exciting news!!! 
          I am working on this book right now and I really want to share it with you!! It is a football romance and they are college students. I am gonna get a few chapters done but I just wanted to let you know to keep an eye out for it! It is called "Love is thrown" and I really hope when I share it you'll go read. I have probably put more effort and more time into this book with small details like character aesthetics and scenes that need to happen to keep the plot going and all that good stuff. I am so excited and I can't wait to share it with you!


You're the villain 
          So why do I have the blame
          You're yelling at me again
          Maybe take a look in the mirror
          And your vision should be clearer
          You made me the villain of your story
          But what about mine?
          I'm barely hanging on and you can't even tell
          Priorities are clearly not on your mind
          Cause you are so careless with time
          At least I still try
          Though really I just want to give up and cry
          But no I still push through
          And you act like you've got it so tough
          And that I've got it easy
          But you're not the one hiding in someone's shadow
          No, you're not cause I am
          I'm the one who gets judged harsher cause of things you've done
          Punishments worse
          Expectations harder
          Effort never enough
          Cause I'm just another lie
          One you'll continue to tell
          Cause no one is ever proud
          A little poem to describe the thoughts running through my mind. Having an older sibling and being the youngest is worse no matter what y'all say because the oldest child always paths the way for those who come after. The pressure to be just like you is ridiculous and it is stupid parents don't see. It is stupid to see that nobody is observant and completely oblivious to the people around them. Being the youngest SUCKS!


Heyy, I saw your comments and realized you liked the genre I write; (Romance). Would you please take a look at my story titled Blue Fire? I think you might like it. Thanks and have a great day! <3


@Horse_Lover4334 hi!
            Well, I actually don't remember, lol. maybe Lilah? 


@Annalisadonkor i reread the message and I realized you said comments. What comments if you don’t mind me asking!


@Annalisadonkor I would love to take a look! I start reading it soon! I just have a quick question for you. How did you find my account? Do I follow someone you follow or something??


To the one who I wrote this about.. I hope you know now… so the truth will come out…
          Wanna text you
          Cause I’ve got so much to say
          But I feel too scared to 
          Like I’ll end with the blame once more
          We aren’t as close as we were before 
          And I’m not really sure how to feel about it 
          You were the reason I held on
          You seem to be the broken one
          But I’m the only one who needs the saving
          Can’t tell which of us is fading 
          But it seems to be you
          The way you act 
          You have become silent 
          You take forever to reply
          You don’t say hi when we pass in the hallway 
          I can’t recognize who you’ve become 
          I’ll never be who you want me to be 
          But maybe that is for the better
          They kept warning me
          Saying you were no good for me
          Saying I made the wrong choice 
          And I am starting to feel like they were right


A little poem I js wrote bc 
          2:why not
          So here it is and I hope u like it…….
          Too Young 
          They say your to young to know what we want
          But are we really?
          Cause then aren’t we to young to lose someone we love
          Then aren’t we to young to feel the heart break 
          Aren’t we to young to lose that old friend 
          If we really to young then what about everything else?
          Shouldn’t we be to young for that too?
          The good the bad both are news
          So what’s it to you
          That I know what to do 
          That I finally found something I am sure of
          Something I don’t second guess
          But I guess I’m too young
          How do I clean ip this mess??
          — R.L.


@Horse_Lover4334 I love this one, girl!!! So great!!


I have decided to risk it for the biscuit and am gonna be reposting a story. I am gonna leave it up to all of you to pick out of these 4 choices.
          1st up
          Loose Guidelines 
          2nd up
          The Secrets of Wildlife 
          3rd up 
          My Little Mafia Princess 
          Last up
          Poems (which was the actual title and still is)
          Let me know what you all want to see back and I’ll bring it back. Maybe just maybe I bring a new one onto my profile too.


@Horse_Lover4334 My Little Mafia Princess. I'm ur bestie, so you have to. Ps allen is out of the hospital!!