
hey! I know this is late buuuuuut, WELCOME TO WATTPAD!!! Like, i hope you decide to write, i love reading my followers (or the ppl im following) stories! DM if you need anything, or, just wanna talk cuz i get bored a lot and love talking to people on wattpad! I hope wattpad treats you well! And i hope we can end up being wattpad friends!!!!!!


@SkyeAlnamar Duuuuude I have been friends with this girl since 2017 XD


          Remember this: we all think and care about you and we’ve been trying to contact you for who knows how long. We wish you would talk to us! Echo has been going crazy about it, and I fear she’s not going to be okay. And I’m sorry for all the hurts I might’ve put on you mentally. We all miss you so much. You were all our friends. I still remember and cherish back when you were there. You are not unwanted, you’re loved by everyone of us.
          — Skippy
          Thank goodness Echo found you! We’ve tried every possible way, and even Jennifer (the author) tried.


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Answer us! You can't tell me "oh Echo you can't kill yourself God loves you too much" one day and then "so uh yeah g'bye imma go kill myself now" the next!! It's not fair! You were my sister! You were my sister and you still are!
          Answer me! We've tried to find you everywhere! Please, just give us a sign that you're still there!
          IT'S NOT FAIR! You don't deserve this; you never did! You were always the one that made me smile when I was about to cry. To make me laugh when I felt like dying. You were always there for me and if I could go back in time and change how I acted I would, I swear I would. 
          But now... but now... you're gone, you're hurting, there's nothing more I can do about it, and it's all my fault.
          I should've paid more attention to you. I should have offered my help more instead of making everything about myself.
          I have few regrets in my life, but this is my biggest one: I was never there for you.
          If I can ever make it up to you, if there's anything I can do to make you come back, please, please tell me. I would burn the world down for you. I would die for you. And you probably don't realise it, but I am dying. Every day.
          Come back. We can be happy together. Please. Come back to us and I promise everything will be alright again.


@PoisonEmbers Honestly, I think all this pain drew us closer together somehow. I really don’t wanna lose that.


Rain... I just have one question that I haven’t already asked a million times.
          Why did you leave us without saying goodbye? I can understand how you’d need space. But Echo’s been dying over your disappearance she misses you so much. All of us have. One of the first things I do when I get a new account on whatever is — no joke — search up all your usernames to try and find you. But somehow I doubt you’d answer me anyway, no matter how much fun we used to have together.
          Starflight still loves Raintree :)
          Lots of Love,
          Wisp Wisp 




Rain!!! I cant believe Emi found you!!! I'm so happy that she found you!!!!! Please come back!!! Even those who have never met you want you to come back! I really want you to come back!! Please


@HorseloverSophia see? ALL of us want you to come back, not just me and Wispi.


oh my gosh! I found you!
          please, please please answer me!
          please come back to us. we can help you!
          We will always, ALWAYS, be here for you. please, just let me know you're there. Wispi, Pananah, and everyone else is suffering without you. My irl friends who joined the MB after you left mourn you too, because they see how much it's torn us up. Do you see how valuable you are? People who've never even met you love you and miss you as much as we do.
          I don't know what I can say or do to make you come back. Heck, you've probably done it by now. But I don't want to BELIEVE you have. I don't and I can't.
          If anything happens to you, I'll never forgive myself. And neither will anyone else. We'll never be the same without you!
          At least let me know you're still alive!
          ... you may think we're lying, but I say nothing but the truth. We - I - will never be the same if you do this.
          Please, talk to me. Come back to us, to me. You have no idea how much you're worth. Every day I suffer, never knowing what's happened to you. I can't even help you. I'm on the other side of the world from you. I know I might not be enough to help you. And im so, so sorry for all the times I wasn't there for you or ignored you. If I could go back in time and change the way I acted, I would, I promise. 
          Please don't do this to us.
          We'll welcome you with open wings and hearts when.... if.... you do decide to come back.
          I love you. So, so, so much. and so does God. Pray to him. That's what we've been doing. 
          Your soul sister,


@PoisonEmbers Couldn't have put it better myself.