
Get ready for a goddamn, motherfucking, bomb-ass original story! Featuring my own artwork. LAWD I'm excited to get it going, prologue and first chapter should be published over this weekend since I'm about to have some hella quality writing time on the beach. Mwahaha! 


Get ready for a goddamn, motherfucking, bomb-ass original story! Featuring my own artwork. LAWD I'm excited to get it going, prologue and first chapter should be published over this weekend since I'm about to have some hella quality writing time on the beach. Mwahaha! 


Hey everyone, it sure has been awhile, longer than I intended. Life's been...well...rough, and I haven't had much time to cope. I also haven't been able to do a lot of the things I enjoy within the past year. One of those things is writing and writing my stories for you on here. For that I'm really really sorry. Now since things are getting a bit better, I hope to redeem myself in writing my stories and I hope to once again be able to update and write fanfictions and stories for all of you to enjoy. I want to come back to you all and I want to write, for myself and for all of my followers and readers of my stories. -Kaii


Hello my lovelies, I'm sorry for the update delay but I've just been so busy with everything. I'm having a bit of writer's block too, which of course is never fun :( but I promise I'll have new updates up soon. This week I started lifeguard training so I'm always like SUPER tired ^_^' just give me some time lovelies, new updates coming soon!