Hi guys. I owe you guys an apology. I've been really bad at keeping up with my stories. This book has been the hardest book I've ever written. It's my 1st one on Wattpad, but I've yet to finish it. I've been writing a few drafts because I'm planning to end it in a few more chapters, but they were not very good. So I had to try to steer the story into another direction. I'm veering from the original since I'm trying to make the story as real and as believable as possible. Relying on a fairy tale happy ending is too easy and less satisfactory. You know, like the ending of that movie, Sarah Burgess is A Loser. That movie's ending is just so rushed and pathetic. I know my readers are smarter than that and expect nothing less than the best. And I'm planning on giving you, my readers, the best. So, just bear with me ok. Don't give up on me just yet. I'll finish the story soon.