
ahaha I forgot my password for a HOT MINUTE I couldn't write lol


Hi! So like here's what my goal is right now. 
          I'm going to finish my Izaya story....I've got 26 unedited chapters right now and my goal is to finish the entire story with 30 or 35 chapters....and since I'm on Quarantine and I don't have a job anymore lol. MIGHT AS WELL write...sorry for being on Hiatus for so long. I'm gonna pump this story out as quickly as possible so I can give you content to read and then I'm thinking about scrapping my todorki story and starting over...thinking about it just be prepared for that and my sasuke story will be scrapped...end of story lol. Alright thanks, look forward to more from me!


I dissapeared for a bit because of school and I've suddenly got 22 followers #2 in Izaya and like 99+ messages  sorry guys I've been gone for so long. I've had writers block and I've been busy. I've got great thing coming up like anime expo (^^) and I've got some great ideas to FINALLY FINISH my Izaya story that I started back in No more excuses from me I'VE GOTTA GET ON IT.