Why in the crap are people obsessed with inaccurate werewolves and vampires?
Too many freaking romance stories that are technically necrophilia and beastiality (how do you spell that).
I mean, if you are going to pretty boy-ify things at least make something fun like a full on undead or some kind of unknown horror from the cosmos.
I wish there are more werewolves that actually look a bit wolfish when human. Scruffy and wild looking instead of a waxed playboy. Full on trucker doing his day to day job with a monty break of crazy animal time.
Or even a vampire that has a true form that is more undead looking, like vampires are. Where are the jutting ribs or clawed boney fingers. I want a Voldemort looking recluse of a vampire trying a hand at something.
Freaking teenager appeal making stories all about how hot something is instead of how cool something is.
I am a little mad that I cant find a story to read on my “for you page” that does not include romance.
Sorry for those that read this rant/shitpost.