Hello Author-chan Can you do me a favor??
Demon Slayer x Female reader
The reader is a girl with unparalleled angelic beauty. She was very beautiful, like angels and God, and everyone who looks at her falls for her, and her beautiful, sweet beauty, whether a girl or a boy, will find themselves loving her obsessively and madly because of her angelic beauty.Her sweet feminine voice, her innocent actions that melt the heart, her sexy body, and her delicious pink lips. However she was so short that the sleeves of her uniform were long on her and yet her body was perfect and sexy
She is very shy, kind and stupid too. She is Hashira the angel. A new hashira presented by Kagaya to the remaining hashiras
The female and male Yandere characters quickly become obsessed with her and also sanctify her from the first sight and want her for themselves at any cost!!
If you don't mind have a nice day