
this message may be offensive
Ok so I know it's been what-5 months-FIVE MONTHS SHIT IM SORRY PEOPLE. But anywho I have many stupid excuses and here are a few: I was in the middle of moving (and will probably be moving back) Christmas (it's awesome but that was four months ago I know) Writers block (yeah yeah yeah) It's my first year of high school and cyber school (which is incredibly difficult if you don't have anyone helping you, which I did not) and my parents are going through a divorce (again) So I sort of got lazy after the first dose of writers block. But rest assured I have not forgotten about this account. In fact I will be updating in just a few minutes and yes I know its short. I just auditioned for a preforming arts school for next year and if I were to make it in my major would be Literature/Creative Writing so I am trying to make a point of writing every other day again (and eventually everyday) but that does not mean I will be updating every other day again, sorry. I will try to start updating twice a week and see how that works. I might start adding some new fanfics and a few non-HP stories eventually. So I will 'see' you soon!<3


Your bio is truly beautiful.
          I remember, a few months ago I was just so stressed due to my father was ill and well...he shot of had a memory issue due to stress for an hour or so, he would forget what he did 5 seconds before.
          Yeah so we were all stressed and the older ones in my house told me to not cry or my father would be confused beyond measure. 
          I just grabbed Goblet Of Fire (I was reading that at that time) and got lost in it. 
          It is always there for me and that's why I can't ever leave HP.


Thank you for your bio it helps me to know that what we love will never ever leave us. It is always there in heart somewhere deep down always telling us it will be there us. I want to share a experience of mine where I have a mental break down or about to cry I always imagine Harry and Ginny and say to myself I should not cry, because this is not supposed seen by anyone. Cause they think that I always cry because I am weak but what they don't know is that it is my only way to express any of my emotions sad, angry, happiness whatever crying is my only way to express myself.


It really means much for me


@Selvanayaki_here same but they tell me it's ok to cry and they along with everyone mentioned in the books are always there for me and that I am always welcomed in their world, they are real and they love me and are grateful that I am a Potterhead.