
          	"The Mess We Made."
          	Where a rebellious angel is sent to hell to "kill" Lucifer, but does the complete opposite as he searches for his brother, who has been missing the last 10 years.
          	The description will be longer and more detailed once the story is out.
          	There will be A LOT of drama, strong language and even NSFW moments.
          	This story has been on my mind a lot lately, and I think this will be the one I bring forward to see how it does.
          	If it fails, I have other novels I can bring forward.
          	But I really like the idea of this one.
          	It's a change up from my omegaverse and vampire stories.
          	So until then you guys!


Hyy do u have Manga books also
          Anime books On any website


@Fireheart7603 Oh no, I don't draw.


@Fireheart7603 nah I'm just asking if. U. Draw Manga too along with writing 


@Fireheart7603 Hello! And what do you mean by manga/anime books? Like, drawn out? If so, I actually do not do those, my stories are all written out. ':D unless you're referring to fanfiction?


          "The Mess We Made."
          Where a rebellious angel is sent to hell to "kill" Lucifer, but does the complete opposite as he searches for his brother, who has been missing the last 10 years.
          The description will be longer and more detailed once the story is out.
          There will be A LOT of drama, strong language and even NSFW moments.
          This story has been on my mind a lot lately, and I think this will be the one I bring forward to see how it does.
          If it fails, I have other novels I can bring forward.
          But I really like the idea of this one.
          It's a change up from my omegaverse and vampire stories.
          So until then you guys!


After finishing BOOK 7.
          I realized my error and will have to go about BOOK 8 a different way.
          Originally, I was going to pair Mickey and Ryan up.
          Because they're cousins. x.x
          So BOOK 8 will have a different title and a different love interest, because as cute as this book was going to be.
          I really don't know how everyone else would feel about cousins dating.
          If Jinx and Cerberus weren't half brothers, I could have ignored it, but they're related. :')
          It'll still be a while before BOOK 8 even happens, but still!
          I just had to let everyone know that changes will be made later on.
          Until then you guys!


Alright everyone, I'm doing another voting system as BOOK 7 comes to an end.
          Here are some novel ideas and I'd like to know which sounds best.
          1.) An angel/devil love story 
          2.) Date with a vampire 
          3.) Running to a new town to get away from a toxic ex.
          4.) BOOK #8 to my Vampires Omega series.
          5.) An Omega that falls pregnant after a one night stand.
          6.) A human girl who moves towns just to find out it's a town of vampires.
          7.) A group of friends adventure into an abandoned home only to learn, it's not abandoned.
          8.) Another high school love story.
          Let me know down in the comments!


Hey everyone!
          I just wanted to let yall know that once I finish Book 7: Yours To Claim.
          I have a story I kind of want to do, it'll be another omegaverse story since it seems that yall like those stories!
          But the lead character will be female for once!
          It won't be right now, but when it does.
          The story will be titled. 
          "The Little Omega."
          So until then!


Hey guys! 
          I just wanted to let everyone know that my hiatus isn't going to be a long one this time.
          In just a few days.
          I will begin.
          BOOK 7: Yours To Claim.
          It's been on my mind a lot here recently and I can't wait to get started on this project of jealous friends and exes.
          There will also be a LOT of NSFW moments which will also be fun. 
          So until then you guys!


Hey guys.
          I just wanted to let everyone know it may be a few days before I can get chapter 18 out for, "Arranged Marriage To An Alpha."
          I recently came down with a cold or the flu,  unsure which one, and I've been battling the sickness for the last few days.
          As soon as I'm better, I'll have the next chapter out as soon as I can.
          Thank you for understanding, and I'll see yall soon!


@roselle_elizabeth Thank you! I'm slowly getting there, I'm hoping to be recovered in a few days. xxxx


@Hstowe oh no! Get better!! xxxx


Hey friends!
          So I just wanted to let everyone know, in case this current story doesn't work out. (Arranged Marriage To An Alpha.)
          I will probably be returning to my series, continuing off with book #7: Yours To Claim. 
          It's not happening right now, but if I can't promise it won't.
          I apologize if that upsets my readers,  it's just a warning that, hey this story may disappear but dont worry! A story with loads of drama and NSFW will be replacing it.
          I hope you guys enjoy the rest of your week.


Hey everyone!
          So after being at the hospital for 8 hours and going on 4 hours of sleep.
          I will possibly not be updating, "Arranged Marriage To An Alpha." Today.
          If I can get a nap in sometime today,  I will, but I'm not promising!
          If not today, then chapter 5 will definitely be out tomorrow!
          Thank you for understanding! <3


Hey everyone! Just letting you guys know that I will be wrapping up, "I Kissed A Boy." In the next chapter.
          As much as I would like to make this an ongoing story, I don't want to drag it out and make it a run on.
          So chapter 35 will be the final chapter.
          I will also be taking a short hiatus after this so I can start working on one of the two options from the poll I created, in my last post.
          I hope you guys have a fantastic week, until next time!