
          	I'M ENGAGED ♥


you know what i hate the most??
              i hate the fact that i could lose you one day, and you wouldn't even care. i feel as if you will leave me for someone who isn't fat, someone who doesn't cut, someone who is pretty and talented. i want to be those girls. but im not. i have scars all over my body, while they don't. they are actually liked by people, but me? im nothing. no one likes me. it's so hard to describe your feelings without having a total meltdown, lucas. it's hard. it feels as if everything you've lied about is coming out of your own mouth, and you lose people along the way. i know that i will lose you one day, okay? even if you say that you care about me, and im the only one for you, we both know that you're lying. you don't want me in your life, you never did. 
                  sometimes i wonder what would happen if i didn't exist anymore. what the hell would you do? you would actually be happy without me, i know it. stop saying that you love me, okay? i don't like it when you lie to me. it's hurts, okay? it feels like someone is staring into your soul, figuring out your secrets and lies. i don't want you to find out my secrets. if i tell you about them, you would leave me. i know that you will.


remember how we met?
          i yelled 'hahurr' in your face, and you laughed. after that we just started talking, and you would smirk a lot ( which is honestly really hot when you do it ) and 'flirt' with me. of course i had feelings for you, but why would i admit it? i thought you wouldn't feel the same.
              then one day, out of no where, you said that you only 'flirted' with me. and i wouldn't believe you. of course i wanted you to prove it, and you did. my first kiss. stolen. from you. but i have to admit that you were a good kisser. 
              then we started to hang out more, doing a few 'things' that no one would expect from an innocent huckleberry like you. you would constantly smirk, which was still hot. 
              we did the unexpected, of course. and i hate the fact that the 'bite marks' won't leave my stomach. thanks for that.
          then one day, we were ( about ) to watch a movie, and then you asked me out, which made me laugh, mostly because it was public, and everyone saw it. and everyone liked the fact that we were finally together, and so was i. 
          then came the hater. remember her? god i hate her. she would constantly call me names, make fun of me, and many other things. you, being the overprotective boyfriend, wanted to 'deal with her.' 
          i didn't want you to, and you didn't. i'm glad that you didn't do anything ( hopefully ) because i know that it wouldn't be pretty. 
                and then, while we were talking, you suddenly just─ got down on one knee and asked me to marry you. i was crying at the moment, and of course i said yes. 
          and now i wonder what's going to happen after that? will we always remain happy? will you leave me? of course none of us know what will happen. i just hope that we will always remain together, and you will always love me, no matter what happens xx


@MayaxxHart i love you. so much maya  i am so glad i met you


i highly doubt that you would even read this, but i will write it anyway. 
          ill be gone for a while, not like you care. but i don't want you to leave because of me. and if i make you feel bad, im sorry. i will be back, im just not sure when. im sorry.
          but i wanted to let you know that i love you, and you haven't been the only one who has been planning on our future. hard to believe, right? i have always imagined us having a simple wedding. not a wedding where we invite everyone we know to show up. i want to see you smile at me. i want to have a child of my own. i want you to propose to me when you feel as if you are confident towards yourself. slightly impossible isn't it? 
          i still question why you love me. it has always been a mystery to me. you say you fell in love with me because of my flaws, but im pretty sure that there's more, i just don't know it. 
          i loved every moment we spent together, laughing and smiling. i even remember our first kiss. you even said my lips tasted like cherry!
          you actually accepted me for who i was, and it always brought a smile to my face.
          but right now im not smiling. i haven't been smiling for the past few days. i stopped being happy, i cry myself to sleep, worried if i will ever lose you. even though you say you will always be there for me, it doesn't feel like it.
          none of this is your fault. i have just been sad lately. but that really isn't important at the moment. i don't want you to go because of me. 
          and if i held you back, im sorry. i am sorry for so many things, but mainly im sorry for getting in the way of you finding someone who deserves you.
          i love you, and i will miss you. but promise me you won't leave. i will be back. promise. but for now, talk to others who you know will make you happy. i know there is someone else who makes you happy.


you must be the impala 
          because i wanna ride you all night long 


i may not go down in history 
          but i'll sure go down on you