
Right now I am one sleepy badger, ready to go into hibernation for the rest of her life. I have no idea why I'm so tired... Oh wait... I woke up way earlier than usually and actually stayed awake... that explains things. Sleeping has never felt like a better idea. Good night guys. *insert sleepy badger emoji*  


I happened to notice that your pfp is the great, the fabulous, FREDDIE MERCURY! Do you like queen or did you just think he looked fabulous (I love the idea of either)


I love cheesy romance as well, I just saw that you’d written twilight stuff and went on a rant about it i guess. I wasn’t trying to be offensive


@killerqueentle yeah... I am just that cheesy or romance kind of girl I guess. I don't like all Twilight either. I need some kind of action/adventure as well. And I didn't really expect you to like everything I did, I just saw that everything you mentioned on you profile I also like.


Right now I am one sleepy badger, ready to go into hibernation for the rest of her life. I have no idea why I'm so tired... Oh wait... I woke up way earlier than usually and actually stayed awake... that explains things. Sleeping has never felt like a better idea. Good night guys. *insert sleepy badger emoji*  


Omg, I can't believe I have 300 followers here... what did I do that made people think it's worth it? Not really sure. That was a huge surprise. Thanks. :)


          Thanks so much for your amazing support on Bloody Idiot! I feel honoured that is was places in your 'Best Books Ever' list. And I hope that one day I will revise this book.  
          Much love, 


@Riley_Silver No problem! It was fun to read and instantly made me ship a pair I had never imagined together, before, so that was a big plus. I loved it. 