
Hey everyone, so in case you wanted to read this, I updated the intro to Tiffany and Ethan.  I found the intro too short, so i added a little more detail to it.


Hey everyone, so I've decided to start writing again.  Please take a look at my newest story, Tiffany and Ethan.  Hope you like it!


@Hufflepuff_girl1 in the process now, did u read thr intro? 


@Hufflepuff_girl1 have you written more of your new book yet?


Hey everyone!  I'm trying to get my book, Not So Typical Arranged Marriage, "out there".  Dear followers, please consider getting my book on Amazon or amazon kindle.  Those who do like my book on here, I've made a few changes to make it better, so it's as if you get to fall in love with the characters all over again!!


Hello! How is your pretty self doing today? Excuse my manners I’ve written a book  and would love for you to check it out! I would love to check out yours too! Just tell me and i’ll do it! You can be honest an honest critic as it improves my writing and only vote if you thoroughly enjoyed the book. If you dont like this message simply delete it off your message board! Have a good day and thank you for your time! 


@tinkerslight I quite enjoyed reading the first chapter, looking forward to others....please let me know how my book is, "not so typical arranged marriage"