Hello lovelies! Wow, it’s been a while. 7 months, in fact. I hate when I let time slip away from me! I’ve been so so busy, getting ready to graduate high school, literally turning 18 since I’ve been gone, and so many other things happening in my life. But I want you all to know, I fully intend to continue writing, and eventually finish, “True Love Never Dies”! I started it in 2020, and it’s changed and evolved so many times, but I’m not stopping now! I know I take a while to come back, and I’m not a very consistent poster, but thank you to anyone who’s stuck around this long and supported my story. I will finish it someday, mark my words! But for now, a new chapter is out! I hope you all enjoy the direction the new version of the story is going, and I promise it won’t take another 7 months for chapter 7 to be released! Hope you all are doing well,