
Signing Off! Peace Out!


          The schedule has been decided.
          Jgeek102 will take Monday's night shift
          @DrummerThief will be taking Monday's day shift!
          So, I'm signing off so Drummer can take over 


Ok people!
          It has been decided!
          @HugeBendyFan321 has their designated days of:
           Tues. & Wed.
          @AreebaDazzle head their designated days of:
           Thurs. & Sun.
          @ThatJackassJackie714 has their designated days of:
          Fri. & Sat.
          @DrummerThief & @Jgeek102 are going to be sharing Mon. Shifts are still being decided.
          Either day shift or night shift.
          Bio will be updated once decision has been made.
          Thank you so much!
          Signing off now.


            Yes, That's all for now. I also tagged you in the new chapter of your b-day story


          @HugeBendyFan321 & @DrmmerThief are two hours behind me.
          @ThatJackassJackie714 is an hour ahead.
          @AreebaDazzle is 11 hours ahead.
          So, mathing this was extremely hard.
          But, with all things considered
          If all four of you are available.
          We will all meet up @ 11:00 AM my time.
          9:00 AM Bendy & Drummer's time.
          12:00 PM Jackie's
          10:00 PM Dazzle's.
          Provided she's awake and available, otherwise I'll have to catch her up.
          Hope to see you all at the meeting.
          We meet up in the Joint Account Meeting Book, on the Meeting Room chapter.
          Please do your best to not be late.
          I truly appreciate this.
          See you all soon!


@HugeAreeJgeekieThief okay! I'll try my best to be early! :)


@HugeAreeJgeekieThief hmm i am sure i will be able to be there!


Meeting times are still being ironed out.
          I NEED @DrummerThief to give me the time where they're at currently. 
          Otherwise I won't be able to decide on a time for the meeting.
          So, I should (hopefully) receive an answer tomorrow.
          We will see.
          Meeting is on Sunday.
          Bio will updated once meeting is over.
          Thank you all, enjoy the rest of your day and stay safe.