Pronouns: He/they/it
Please ignore large amount of reading lists that are here.

Respect the trans or I throw hands.
  • SumaliAugust 5, 2020

Huling Mensahe
HumbleMortal HumbleMortal Dec 16, 2023 03:45AM
Tingnan ang lahat ng mga usapan

Mga kuwento ni Oliver
My Friend Who I Will Love Forever ni HumbleMortal
My Friend Who I Will Love Forever
A MaleOC x Transmasc!Reader I'm just gonna give a heads up that the reader in this book likes both men and wo...
ranking #437 sa ocxreader Tingnan ang lahat ng rankings
Random memes I have saved ni HumbleMortal
Random memes I have saved
Just as the title says.
The Capture(short) ni HumbleMortal
The Capture(short)
please don't read this, it's cringy as hell.
14 Mga Reading List