
Hi there people! I've been gone for awhile now haven't I? I missed writing publicly. though I write stuff everyday, I've lost the courage to share it again. To everyone who's been watching my pieces, please know that I'm still earning up the courage once more to express my writings to you all. I've lost track but I want to fight and continue what I've started. \
          	What I'm asking here now is a little favor from you all. Please bear with me as I am trying to save the courage and self trust I've lost. I wanna come back stronger, wiser and all better. 
          	I'll be back in a few. please wait for me.


@Humming_Star wishing you all the best, 


Hi there people! I've been gone for awhile now haven't I? I missed writing publicly. though I write stuff everyday, I've lost the courage to share it again. To everyone who's been watching my pieces, please know that I'm still earning up the courage once more to express my writings to you all. I've lost track but I want to fight and continue what I've started. \
          What I'm asking here now is a little favor from you all. Please bear with me as I am trying to save the courage and self trust I've lost. I wanna come back stronger, wiser and all better. 
          I'll be back in a few. please wait for me.


@Humming_Star wishing you all the best, 