

Lol, I spent half an hour writing this amazing little skit for people and apparently I exceeded the message and it all erased! Poof! Gone! Forever! *sobs* I wasted my time and energy and creativity on that! I could have been reading or doing my homework! Nah, I never do that..... But come on! It was going to be a little sneak peek of a story I considered writing. It was going to be about this girl based off of me and it was going to be a kind of parodic story about why fictional female characters  are the way they are. It was pretty funny too *pouts* anyhoo! Does anybody think I should do it? If I made a sneak peek on my page would anybody read it and give me their thoughts? Pretty please?!


this message may be offensive
          Good books:
          -Chasing Red
          -The Bad Boy Stole My Bra
          -The Teddy Bear Agreement 
          -The Other CEO
          -The Tabloid Princess 
          Books you should never read even though probably everyone has:
          -any of the After books
          -any of those heart-breaking books by Ana Todd 
          Seriously don't read After, it will slowly kill you. You will start to hate everyone and everything, but if you do read the stupid book remember there are better books out there not every book causes you pain