So, I’m going to a hospital tomorrow to get checked to see if I have to get submitted into a psych ward. I am honestly so relieved that this is finally happening because I’ve been telling my parents that I wanted to get a mental health checkup for over 2 years, but they never believed me.
I think it’s crazy for my parents to say that “they care about me so much” and “they love me more than anything” when they also neglect my mental health because “it’s not a good family image if your eldest child has mental health problems.”
I just wish that my parents would take their own advice. Action speaks louder than words. If you actually do care, you shouldn’t have denied and pushed away my health for this long.
I, over the past few years, have tried to off myself multiple times. My brain feels like it’s plummeting off a cliff. I just wish my parents actually cared like they said they did.
My mother has finally been saying “okay let’s go to the hospital now” but it’s still been half a week. Last night, she put it off because “we’re watching a movie tonight.” IS THAT WHAT MY ENTIRE LIFE IS EQUAL TO? A GOD DAMN MOVIE?!
I don’t want anyone to get worried over me, but if I do stop updating my stories (minus my slow-burn story since that has to do with motivation) please don’t worry.
Thank you for reading this, and if you ever need a safe space to talk, don’t hesitate to message me or post on my community board.
Love you all, Ash :3