Well, I just posted my first-ever one-shot and Chenford story, I am not coming back full-time as life is crazy but I hope to be able to update once in a while! Everyone should go check it out!
Well, I just posted my first-ever one-shot and Chenford story, I am not coming back full-time as life is crazy but I hope to be able to update once in a while! Everyone should go check it out!
Hi sorry for posting without your permission, I hope everything is going well there.
If your time permits, then do give a read to my book. I would love to hear some of your thoughts on this.
Ok I am so sorry for not updating in forever! Life has been crazy between my family and schooling, I also have had any ideas for my stories, I am going to try and write up so chapters this week but no promises! I am so sorry to do thus to you guys
Why did Derek have too die it was sooo unnecessary I loved it but not as much the show! OKAY SOMEONE PLS I NEED SOMEONE TO TALK TOO!
@adoreme112 Literally same but now I am wondering if he is really dead because in an Interview someone asked Jeff Davis if this was the end of Derek and hw goes who knows people are always coming back. I am just pretending he isn't dead and that he is Alive spending time with Eli lol
I am working on the next chapter for Her daughter and I have two options, I can A. Split the last chapter in two or B. Keep all in one part as a really long chapter
Let me know your thoughts Right now I have it all in one but I am also thinking of splitting it in two
I have made the decision to discountine deliquents. This has been a hard decision but honestly I don't like how my writing style is or even how the book was going, I have thought about for a while now but I will keep it up for you guys instead of taking it down. I hope you guys understand my decision