1K!!! incredible!! Thank you SO MUCH!! I'm being honest when I say I have never imagined for this book to reach this far! I'm so grateful for every one of you that have spent your time reading my crap aswell as those who voted and left a comment! it's always a thrill to read them!
I really didn't think my book would be enjoyed by so many of you. As of like other things, this book has had its ups and downs by a personal critical view as the own writer of it. This wouldn't be something I would declare as my best work, but I've put my soul and sweat into it during the good and the bad times of my life and I'm so beyong grateful for it to reached such a milestone!!
As a huge thankyou, there's a new chapter released, it's mildly long, just some good old sweet and happy stuff between the Romeo and Juliet of this book and I'm very pleased on how it turned out, it's titled "The Smooth Operator" and I hope you all enjoy it just as much as I enjoyed writing it! and a MILLION of huge thank you's from the very bottom of my heart! this is one gratitude I couldn't ever express enough!!