
Heyya peedles beedles! 
          	Yes suddenly I exist again hahaha but I have finally gathered enough emotional strength to close off this book. So expect some decent updating consistency coming your way!! Best hope this book will be "signed, sealed,delivered" before Geo's birthday! Sorry for the wait... Take care out there! : ) 


Hey, I've just started my own art channel on YouTube. It's called alaskasarts if youd like to give it a like and subscribe! I'm welcoming any new ideas for content so feel free to recommend any new ideas to me. Thankyou! ♡


For sure will check on it and congrats on the new channel! 


Heyya peedles beedles! 
          Yes suddenly I exist again hahaha but I have finally gathered enough emotional strength to close off this book. So expect some decent updating consistency coming your way!! Best hope this book will be "signed, sealed,delivered" before Geo's birthday! Sorry for the wait... Take care out there! : ) 


A new chap peedles! Right on schedule aswell hahaha. My drafts are a complete mess, handling two book at once is not as easy as I thought. Wishing a great weekend for you lot. Thanks for the support on the book as always, it just keeps on growing!!
          Take care, xxx ;-)


Hey hey Beatles peadles! Hope everyone has a great week! I know I said I was about to close off my book very soon but don't worry!! More chapters to come, there's so much to wrap up with I'm actually having a really hard time to let this book go...but all good things must come to an end, just not so soon hahaha. 
          Anyway, new chap is up. Hope you all are doing well, wishing you all a good weekend and take care!!! xxx 


@HungryHarrison Thanks for not giving up on me lad! ;)


Wooo! Can’t wait to read! 


    Heyya you lots!
             I'm really excited to announce that hopefully by this week I would be speed launching the closing chapters for my first book, Fixing A Soul!!! Incredibly excited to release what's in store for their love story and wrap around the message I'm trying to deliver from my book. Just wanted to thank you for the support you all had on my book, some more great news coming your way soon!!
               Millions of thanks and take care xxx <3


@Thebootles Fanks alot lad!! Thrilled to know you enjoyed my writting! But you'll hear more from Geo soon, no worries!


NOOOOOO! Not the end !!!! I loved it so much  well done author!! 


  Hey guys!! hope you all are well and warm wishes to everyone! I wanted to pop in and thanked you all for how much support my book has been getting lately for the past few weeks, I will try my best and polish off a new chapter (or two...) by this weekend, but there is a little 'something' coming your way ;-) (very soon I hope) I will try my best to keep everything steady and on track, really excited for what's to come!! 
             take care, xxx. 


1K!!! incredible!! Thank you SO MUCH!! I'm being honest when I say I have never imagined for this book to reach this far! I'm so grateful for every one of you that have spent your time reading my crap aswell as those who voted and left a comment! it's always a thrill to read them! 
          I really didn't think my book would be enjoyed by so many of you. As of like other things, this book has had its ups and downs by a personal critical view as the own writer of it. This wouldn't be something I would declare as my best work, but I've put my soul and sweat into it during the good and the bad times of my life and I'm so beyong grateful for it to reached such a milestone!!
          As a huge thankyou, there's a new chapter released, it's mildly long, just some good old sweet and happy stuff between the Romeo and Juliet of this book and I'm very pleased on how it turned out, it's titled "The Smooth Operator" and I hope you all enjoy it just as much as I enjoyed writing it! and a MILLION of huge thank you's from the very bottom of my heart! this is one gratitude I couldn't ever express enough!!


Wow two chapters in one week! we're back on the grind,and hopefully for good this time ;)
          (sorry for my lackkk of activeness on my work) 
          this book lately has been going down the charts for me bcs I feel like I'm focusing too much on George/Aldron and not so much on the lads themselves :/ but I promise I'll coperate more of them in the coming chapters!! as usual, thankyou so much to all of you, especially the regular readers, I appreciate the lot of ya!! ;)