
Do y’all remember when everything on Wattpad was free? There was no premium , no limit, no paid story section. It upsets me because I always used to come on this app to read stories by writers ,trying to go somewhere or even just vent, and I didn’t have to worry about downloading a free sample or paying for a book. Now I get on here and I can’t even read the title of what might be a good story without a dollar sign popping up.


Do y’all remember when everything on Wattpad was free? There was no premium , no limit, no paid story section. It upsets me because I always used to come on this app to read stories by writers ,trying to go somewhere or even just vent, and I didn’t have to worry about downloading a free sample or paying for a book. Now I get on here and I can’t even read the title of what might be a good story without a dollar sign popping up.